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Here are the DNA Tests You Can Use To Prove Paternity

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is defined as a genetic substance that one inherits from both parents. When we talk of DNA paternity, it simply means we want to find out if a man is a biological dad. The current research shows that a DNA paternity test is almost accurate in concluding whether a man is your genetic father.

In most instances, DNA tests involve blood tests, saliva, or cheek swabs which the tests carries out in a certified medical facility for legal reasons. Below are some of the DNA tests you can apply to prove the accuracy of paternity DNA tests.

Types of Paternity DNA Testing

If you want a paternity DNA test for legal reasons, consider visiting a certified facility near me. Too often, the tests do during pregnancy or after delivery. If the tests are after birth, the blood samples or cheek swabs are from the possible non-gestational parent and the newborn. The experts then take the samples to a certified laboratory for testing.

On the other hand, paternity DNA tests done during pregnancy involve invasive prenatal and noninvasive prenatal paternity testing.

Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing

According to recent research, determining the natural father of the infant is simple during pregnancy. The prenatal paternity test approach is made through two significant procedures: chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis. Both approaches need the pregnant woman to book an appointment with a maternal-fetal medicine expert or see locations of a reliable paternity test near me. The methods are 99.9% correct since they involve taking a sample from the unborn baby.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

Chorionic villus procedures retrieve placental tissues in a transcervical or transabdominal approach. The main reason for this sampling approach is to find out the infant’s health and the paternity DNA testing. The test does within the first trimester of pregnancy by taking placental tissue samples via the cervix or the pregnant mother’s abdomen. This sample then matches up with the cell sample of the probable non-gestational parent.

Fortunately, the approach is the best, as the pregnant mother is not at risk of miscarriage. Parents intending to examine the infant’s health can reverse the procedures. Consider visiting a paternity test facility near you.


Similar to the chorionic villus, amniocentesis examines the unborn baby’s health status and parentage determination. Amniocentesis locates the amniotic fluid by putting a needle in the mother’s abdominal wall. The experts then compare this fluid sample to the gestational and possible non-gestational parent. The test is within the fifth month of the pregnancy period.

Noninvasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP)

Under this approach, the pregnant mother donates the blood sample to investigate the infant’s DNA. The blood sample collected is then matched up to the saliva from the possible non-gestational parent. NIPP can conduct during the first two months of pregnancy and guarantee 100% accurate results.


Since we have discussed the types of paternity DNA testing, it’s the right time you hover around and pick the best paternity test near me. It’s high time you get to know whether you are the unborn child’s biological father.